baby (size of matty's thumb)
baby and heart beat
So tonight was first ultra-sound! I had to drink enormous amounts of water in order for a good picture to be taken... so needless to say the cold jelly and pressing made it a little interesting! But to actually see the baby with Matty was really incredible. We thought that he/she would look like a tiny dot, but as you can tell the little one is pretty big! In the beginning, baby was putting on a show and dancing around... waving at us too! Then baby calmed down towards the end. Matthew was pretty keen on hearing the heart beat, which was strong and steady! What a miracle that God is knitting inside of me right now! We were pretty amazed! We also got an accurate reading of how far along we are... 10 weeks and 3 days! Revised due date is now October 13, 2008 (and no it's not a friday!)