Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Anyone for a kumquat? But don't eat my Baby!!!

This week BABY ROBINSON is the size of a kumquat. Not very big at the moment... but I am already growing (which really has nothing to do with me being pregnant!) I can now only fit into one out of three pairs of work pants comfortably... so sad!  

I only have one more week of school left and therefore made the decision that exercise will now need to become part of my daily routine! (or else i might end up a diabetic... not funny... seriously can feel my heart rate increase when I stand up....ha!) Also I only have one month to train for my boss's crazy dream of us running the SUN RUN... so me and the gym better become better friends. Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a kumquat, how cute! just found your blog! so neat, loved following sara's babe now I can read about yours. Sorry I missed you yesterday, was i supposed to let you know about the shower, I am sorry!! grandma R