Monday, October 27, 2008

An Ode To Sara...

I promised to give props to my sister-in-law Sara Searle for WALKING from her house to our house yesterday... pushing two boys in a stroller and carrying a heavy heavy backpack full of treats for us... she blew me away and therefore I must acknowledge how awesome she is!!

Not to leave my other sisters out... Megan & Nina have been incredibly lovely by bringing us dinner & desserts... and their wonderful company! What a wonderful family to be a part of...

And can't forget Phil... who brought me epsom salts and baked cookies for us with his girlfriend Bianca!


Anonymous said...

YAY Sara! You are a serious trooper!


Sara said...


Seriously didn't need that, but thanks! It was actually fun and turned out to be a shorter walk that the usual.

We loved visiting!

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed she is a wonder!! yes and right those other two, gosh eh?:))) Grandma R