Sunday, October 19, 2008

This week...

This week has been so interesting....

Well this baby has been on our minds for a long while now. After leaving work 2 and a half months ago... the preparation had begun. Now a week overdue.. It's sure funny how things work out. At the beginning of this week I really thought baby was going to come and dazzle us with it's presence.. and therefore went into hibernation mode... just waiting. By Thursday afternoon... I decided "I was over having this baby..." (JK) After visiting the midwife for a second time.. trying to get my membranes swept and not seeing any progress "up there"... I realized that this baby was not ready to come out any time soon. So I decided to forget about having a baby and get on with life.. no more hibernation. Thursday night I stayed up super late finishing some work that I thought would have to wait until late November... so that was a blessing because I was able to complete my project! Then Friday I ran millions of errands and enjoyed having my life back. Saturday... was a totally full day (back to being busy) with grocery shopping, cleaning, making meals, visiting, and even some xmas shopping. So for the rest of this next week... WEEK 41... I hope to continue to keep busy and hopefully my body will just work the way it's supposed to and we will see a baby before week 52!!! I do have to comment on my husband though... for any of you who know him well... he isn't the worry wart type nor is he normally too concerned with "things" like this... but he is at the end of his rope! He is trying so hard to be supportive and is doing a wonderful job! BUT I think if he could he would shake me ... VIGOROUSLY... he desperately wants to meet this baby! 

Thank you to all the people in our life that are praying for us and that have been a great help over the past 10 months! We so appreciate having people who are there for us and love us and cheer us on during special moments like these! Hopefully we will have some news that is a little bit more interesting sometime soon... I'm liking October 22nd... So we will see!


Sara said...


Anonymous said...

i'm thinkin' the 20th...