Friday, October 10, 2008

Time's a Tick Tocking...

Any day now... any day now! 

So went to the doctor's yesterday to treat my little warts on the bottom of my feet (yes i know... waaaay too much information... but this is a funny story) If you didn't know... they freeze planter warts off with liquid nitrogen. Soooo... i'm in the exam room and my doctor comes in looking like the janitor instead of an MD. He then precedes to burn off these stupid things... and it hurts like heck! I swear I could hear him thinking... wow stop being a baby.. because ummm labour is upon you... and it's waaaay worse my dear. I thought the hurt would go away... but nope I limped around all day... and then because I don't walk properly to begin with (refer to swollen feet picture) I developed a sciatic nerve problem... that kept me up all night! Matthew rolls over last night... and again just says... lovingly... just go to sleep it's ok... O SERIOUSLY... I AM TRYING!!!! So hopefully today I learn to walk again... normally... and my foot plague disappears! O and ya... THE BABY COMES SOON!!!!


Anonymous said...

HEHEHAWHAW! That story will live forever! Gotta love the homeless janitor doctor!

~ AC

Sara said...

Haha... I got warts burnt off last month - and yes... IT HURTS... and I've actually had my babies.

Christa Robinson | CCSR Interior Design said...

o good... i don't feel like such a wimp!!! :)