Friday, April 24, 2009

For the past three weeks...

It's been so busy around these parts! I have started back at school and am still working on the business. Sophia is learning many new things and is keeping us very entertained! Matthew is keeping busy at work and is glad that the market hasn't completely fallen into the dark zone! All in all life is great... and the more we get to know Sophia the more we feel soooooo incredibly blessed!  Anyways... here are some pictures from the past three weeks or so! Hope you enjoy!


Sara said...

I love love love love love her.

And you.

Anonymous said...

I only have one question. Who the heck is the hockey player?!?!?!

~ AC

P.S. Thank you for finally posting!

Megan said...

I was missing your daughter! Very cute pics!

Anonymous said...

I love her in that hat i gave her.. :) :)
Love, Nina

Anonymous said...

Hey had never seen the pic of Matt and Sophia on the swing, what a great mom and dad you two make! grandma R

Anonymous said...

April 24th - June 29th = 2 months + 5 days of no posting.

I am going to heckle you in person this afternoon. You better look forward to it.

~ AC