Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Finally to it again!

Well, Matthew and I have not been very good to our bodies as of late! So I decided before all these extra pounds we have put on begin to double, I needed to start taking control of the situation! Last week I did some research on different popular healthy family friendly cookbooks, specifically looking for the very old "Looney Spoons"... I remember some really great recipes in there from my childhood. Well, I found two and ordered them promptly from Chapters!

Well my Double Delicious cookbook came in a few days (yaaaaa for opening mail and receiving a package!!!) and I decided to get started! I looked through it and wrote down menu's for a weeks worth of meals and then wrote down a very long list for the grocery store! This cookbook (for those who have not heard of her) uses a lot of purees... carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, squash...etc. as substitutes for other ingredients and also to add the hidden vegetable PUNCH! (I couldn't tell you much about ingredient substitution being a "NON-COOK" myself!)

Well... YUM YUM YUM says mi familia! So far everyone is loving the change and I think we are all feeling so much better about what we are eating! I know I have lost a few pounds... which happens to be important to me... but what is much more exciting, is that my lovely little girl is getting some amazing vegetables in every meal (without even realizing it)! It's been a joy to make these nutritious recipes and best of all Matthew is totally on board! Healthy eating for My Robinson Family... Definitely needed to happen more than a couple of nights a week... Here's to making nutritious yummies for all meals all the time... and to all of us feeling like BIG STRONG STRING BEANS!

My little egg salad "casualty"
Nan Dykstra loved the sanmich so much that a little bit got on L's head!

Yummy Egg Salad
Made with Cauliflower Puree

Egg "Muffins"
made with Chickpeas, Egg Whites, Turkey Bacon & Parmesan Cheese

Made with Carrot Puree

Cauliflower Gratin
THIS WAS SOOOO GOOD. Tricky little trick - used Carrot Puree to make it look extra orange and extra cheesy... But not a ton of cheese in it!

Pork Tenderloin with Orange Glaze Sauce
Matthew absolutely love this! For sure a repeater!

PS... Eating some really yummy chocolate chip cookies tonight... that actually have CHICKPEAS!!!! It's seriously yummy... can you believe it?


Rachel said...

Christa, this is awesome! My mom has the Eat, Shrink and be Merry book, which I think I will snag from her, since eating healthier is something I need to get my little family into also! Good for you!

Shannon said...

I have heard of these recipes but haven't actually ever tried them - they look SO yummy though!! I love the egg salad with cauliflower puree - thats genius!!

Heidi said...

nice work buddy! I have yet to cook from my copy of deceptively delicious...since having a Tim is equivalent to having a child (food wise) I think I'll give it a shot! Way to send out some inspiration :)