baby (size of matty's thumb)
baby and heart beat
So tonight was first ultra-sound! I had to drink enormous amounts of water in order for a good picture to be taken... so needless to say the cold jelly and pressing made it a little interesting! But to actually see the baby with Matty was really incredible. We thought that he/she would look like a tiny dot, but as you can tell the little one is pretty big! In the beginning, baby was putting on a show and dancing around... waving at us too! Then baby calmed down towards the end. Matthew was pretty keen on hearing the heart beat, which was strong and steady! What a miracle that God is knitting inside of me right now! We were pretty amazed! We also got an accurate reading of how far along we are... 10 weeks and 3 days! Revised due date is now October 13, 2008 (and no it's not a friday!)
OH MY GOSH! Amazing pictures! I am so excited to meet this little one! So happy that everything is well and that baby is happy & dancing around and has a strong heartbeat! Good little baby! We love you little one!! Good baby growing skills Chris!
~ AC
You are lucky they moved your date sooner!! yay!! We are all very excited, baby looks like you!! hehehe.
Auntie Sara
Congrats, we are so happy for you two. May the many blessings of God shine on you and the precious little one. we can't wait to meet the baby.
G& D Gr.
SO! How big is met bebe now? Update please!!
Love ~ Auntie Cole
I did i did!
Yes sure the baby looks like both of you, and moves like both, yeah I had to do that 5 times,akk, once or twice didn't think I could walk into the hospital from the car.... grandma R
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