Monday, February 16, 2009

It's good I'm not a hairdresser

So in Grade 10 we had this school dance, and I went over to Miss Heidi's house and we got ready together. I was in the process of blow-drying her hair straight... and well I might have burnt some of it off. She was really not too pleased with me... but she was really sweet about it. But I'm sure to this day she remembers that (definitely the smell) and I'm positive that she would never let me touch her hair again! Sorry Heids!

So fast forward to 2009. People kept telling me about cradle cap and that I should probably try and get rid of Sophia's. So I bust out the baby oil and baby brush and start working on her head! Well.... my poor BABY GIRL now has bald spots thanks to me. I can't believe I did that to her. At least she doesn't care... 

But note to self: Do not touch people's hair!!! I try and make them bald. Maybe it's my fear coming to life... I'm so afraid of going bald that I try sabotage others... so they can be just like me one day! 


Anonymous said...

i think i will write out an oathe that you will sign and you will have to commit to stay away from mane's other than your own.
phia and i will discuss it and get back to you. we might even decide to start a support group for others that have been through what we have been through.
just a thought.

p.s. i love you and that experience only made me stronger. and i'm sure sophia will feel the same...maybe not today...maybe not tomorrow...but in time i'm sure she will be just fine ;)

Auntie "i can still smell the burning" Heidi.

Anonymous said...

"Dont burn my head! DONT BURN MY HEAD!"

I think you were ready to kill me that day...

~ AC

Christa Robinson | CCSR Interior Design said...

Ah ha... did i BURN YOUR HEAD???? answer me that!!!!