Monday, June 2, 2008

Updates on Life!

First and Foremost!

The Green Family Update

The Green Family seems to be doing so much better! It has been a big waiting game for them but they have been taking everything in stride and keeping very positive! At the moment we are all still waiting a confirmed diagnosis of the exact form of Herchsprung's that he has in order to determine when and what kind of surgery he needs. He is still at Children's but has been able to start eating some breast milk and gaining weight, to everyone's pure delight! It was lovely to visit with 3/4 of the Green family last night... and they are such a strong little lovely family unit.  Early this week things should become a lot clearer as to what the next couple months shall entail.  Way to go Green Family... keep up the amazing attitudes and incredible strength you are showing your new son Deacon! What a great example! 

How the MCRobinson's are getting ready for MCBaby!!!

We bought a child friendly SUV!

We bought a 2006 Mitsubishi Endeavor that seats five people and has an amazing trunk! We got a good deal on it because it is from the USA but it only has 30,000 k on it! So hopefully this truck will be in our family for a while... longer than the Robinson standard... of like 6 months :)

We bought a crib!

Well now that I have that SUV thing... I now have to room to pick up large items by myself. So on Saturday afternoon (after ultra sound - in full baby mode) I made a trip to Babies R Us and Babies World. And with the "Matthew voice" in the back of my head picked up the most economical crib one could find! I spent a little more on the mattress because i figured with the Robinson back-ache history... I should do a little "preemptive strike" on back pain... while baby is still young! 

I bought baby a Sleep Sheep

I had to return something at Chapters and could only get a store credit... so I decided to get baby my favorite baby thing ever! The Sleep Sheep! I had gotten one for Baby Jericho and Baby Riley. I think they are the cutest things ever and it attaches to the crib and makes soothing noises such as whales at play, falling rain, mom's heartbeat, and rolling waves!  I was so excited... and planned on keeping it in the box until the nursery is set up. BUT... Matthew decided to take it out of the box last night and said he wanted it to help him sleep... I thought that was pretty funny... and then didn't because I didn't want it to get dirty. (I wonder how Matty could ever get anything dirty ... wink wink)

Well that is all for now! I hope that this blog finds everyone doing well and looking forward to the summer months ahead! I can't believe I only have 59 days left at work! Crazy!!!


Anonymous said...

How precious the ultrasound pictures of the little one. It looks like a real little people person. So glad that everything is going so good. Huge blessings. Love, CSD.

Anonymous said...

What fun! I remember when Jericho was getting cooked how much fun I had getting things organized. Would LOVE to go shopping with you sometime... *sigh*