Monday, July 28, 2008


5 more days....

4 more days... 

3 more days... 

2 more days....

1 more day...


Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Anniversary Sara & Nate

So in love....

Aches... & Pains....

So so so happy to be in the THRID trimester.. woot woot!  (29 weeks on Monday)

But who knew that you feel so funny all the time... the first trimester was interesting with the nausea... but now there are funny leg cramps, funny feet cramps, carrying all this weight makes me feel so slow, and headaches/backaches...

Yes look at me complain... how horrible. But I think all woman who have gone through the third trimester are amazing... because it's like running a really long fat race where you are so slow, exhausted, swollen & uncomfortable! (Can you tell I'm in a "really loving I'm pregnant" phase) 

Anyhoo... only 11 more weeks until we meet this wonderful baby! Really looking forward to that!

Monday, July 14, 2008

My Baby Bellie Scares Me....

Here is a picture from Nicole of me on our camping weekend. My bellie looks like it is it's own person... It's coming to get you!!! Plus this picture is sooo very flattering I thought I would share it with everyone! Anyways... turns out you can camp very comfortably (with an air mattress) at 27 weeks pregnant! We were the only ones who slept the whole night through... eh!! Matthew also announced to me yesterday that it is three months exactly until we see Baby Robinson! So that is nice! We also start our prenatal classes on Wednesday... I'm sure I'll be scarred for life afterwards! Wish me luck!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Blessed Be Your Name

In church this past Sunday we were singing "Blessed be Your name" where there bridge sings:

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name

I was thinking in that moment, Lord thank you for blessing us so much and please allow me to continue to Bless Your Name when faced with trials in my life. I was looking around and was wondering what others were struggling with and thinking about what has God given and taken away from the people around me... I didn't realize in that earlier that morning a very strong and noble man had been taken away from a family that I know and have grown up with. 

This family has been such an example to so many people that know them. They have truly chosen to Bless the Name of the Lord through terminal cancer and then through the passing of their husband/father. I praise the Lord for them and for what they have shown others about having faith in the Lord and knowing that his ways are the only ways.. no matter how painful. 

Tomorrow is the memorial service for a man who has been the strength and example for his family. I pray that God will do amazing things and that many people will be touched by a God who is so totally in control. Lord we bless your name... 

We will miss you... So thankful that the Lord gives back and we will see you one day soon.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Not... Little One, Peanut, Buddy or Sweetie

The Baby's Official Nick Name is...


This all came about when Nicole asked how "preggie"... meaning me, was doing... and I thought she had written PIEROGI... and then the name sort of stuck. Just a funny pregnancy side note! Hopefully this baby's name will be a lot nicer when it's out of the womb!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


97 days left until baby robinson is due
43 days until my 23rd birthday
24 days left at work
21 days until next midwife appointment
8 days until prenatal classes start
-1 day until third trimester

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Two Years and Counting...

Yesterday was our 2nd anniversary. I can't believe how quickly time flies. I feel very fortunate to be married to the man of my dreams. How greatly we have been blessed by God. Here's looking forward to the next (hopefully) many anniversaries to come! I love you Matty!

Silly Dutch Last Names..

Sorry a little side note about Dutch last names... I loved my maiden name of Dykstra... but unfortunately many people decided to make fun of it... or pronounce it in a very comical way. Getting married two years ago to a lovely man who has a very simple and common last name allowed for these mistakes regarding my surname to come to an end. 

Well... my lovely friend Heidi has now married into a lovely Dutch family and I have become one of those people that drove me nuts... I cannot get her lovely new last name right. So here goes for the very last time I will announce my Congratulations to Heidi & Tim RIETKERK with an I before the E and a ERK at the end. Heidi you better be proud of me! (and this better be right)