Most who know me know that I LOVE salty foods including pastas, breads and cheeses... and of course favorite snack food of all CHIPS and FRIES. But.. this is funny!!! During the beginning stages of pregnancy, all I wanted was sugary sweet teeth rotting CANDY. How gross is that! (And totally out of character) It was actually a dead give away to a few that something was up! Thank goodness this craving has pretty much subsided... but you can occasionally see me sneaking a candy bar from Luci, my co-worker's desk. Just a funny side note I thought I would share!
interesting! my mother-in-law told me an old wives tale:
craving sweet, it's a boy
craving salty, it's a girl
that's how it was for her anyways, salty for her daughter and sweet for her 4 boys!
i've been craving salty for the most part, but definately enjoying some good icecream in there too! the super sweet stuff just hurts my teeth these days!
Hmmmm. I just craved anything that was BAD for me.
YAY! Sounds like baby Robinson is going to share his auntie's love of sweets! Heck, by the time he/she has teeth we will be taking candy runs to 711 everytime you let me babysit!
~ AC
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