Thursday, April 3, 2008

What a very interesting time...

It's kinda surreal to think that there is a baby growing inside of me. The other day Matthew tried to listen to my belly (which has popped a tad) and I freaked out!!! I can't believe that someday soon I will be able to feel this little person kick and move around... WOW!!

We have finally "come out" with the news and most everyone should know by now.. which is great! So many people have been so sweet with kind words for Matthew and I. Thank you all for being so loving to us and our new little BUN!

This week I spilled the beans to my boss.. This has caused a lot of anxiety in my life and is something that I have been praying and thinking about daily. It was an interesting chain of events, because I had chosen to tell her when she returned from her trip to Hawaii.  So on Monday when I sat her down and started to tell her my "secret" she said that she already knew. She had found out from another source... my teacher, whom I had needed to explain why I had been feeling so under the weather at school... and so that was a complete SHOCK. I was pretty upset that she didn't find out from me... and she was as well. But you know... GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS... because she actually said that it was probably better this way because then she wasn't so shocked. So in the end it all worked out... she was very kind and it looks like my maternity leave will commence on September 1st, 2008.  (No waddling down G
eorgia St. for me...)

Other than that life is pretty uneventful! We are trying to sell both of our cars... 2002 Jetta TDI and 2001 Audi S4 (so if you know anyone who is interested - check in order to get a larger family friendly vehicle!!! 

One more thing: Congrats to Megan, Joe and Riley Green!!! They moved into their brand new house on April 1st, 2008!!! So exciting... I'm sure we will all spend time there.. relaxing at their little retreat home... as it is a sort of Log Home... with a Hot Tub, BBQ and Deck!! Way to Go!!

OK i'm out for now! But i leave you with adorable pics of my nephews!! (that i have stolen from my sis-in-law's websites.. bad me!!!) They are waaay too cute to let you miss out!!!

Malachi Searle

Jericho Searle

Riley Green


Rachel said...

christa! so excited for you guys! that's awesome that you had an early ultra sound, slightly jealous, b/c we only got one :) i know the feeling of telling your boss...mine kind of figured out on his own, which was ok too. looking forward to following your journey :)

Anonymous said...

I have such cute babies!!!! I'm sure yours will be even more adorable (if it's possible :)


Anonymous said...

well I have such a cute baby as well. Christa is special cause she thinks that ALL babies are cute JUST because all her nephews are adorable!


Anonymous said...

yes indeed they are all very cute, not enough time in the day to hold them all! Yes yours and Matty's will be adorable tooo. They all look so different too!Grandma R