Well onto week 38... just waiting at this point!
Matthew and his cousins have taken up fishing with exceptional dedication this year.. leaving many of us fishing widows waiting for winter to come!!! (no ice fishing please dear Lord) Yesterday they went out on the Fraser River to go Salmon fishing... and look what he brought home! Very proud of him... and hopefully he had a wonderful day out on the water... because apparently there isn't a lot of time for fun little adventures like that after a baby is born... that is what they seem to say anyways... :) wink!

My little swollen feet... or should I say LARGE swollen feet have been the topic of many conversations between friends, family and complete strangers. Just thought I would throw in a picture of what they look... just as a little keepsake photo... How nice... right..

Yesterday while I was a fishing widow... I decided to put this waiting for baby to good use. It's funny... having 2 and a half months time off is a wonderful gift... but boy o boy have I tried every way to keep myself busy! So... (as my mom was keeping up with dishes) I made frozen dinners... chili, classy chicken w/ rice, chicken a la king, spaghetti sauce, beef dip and then marinated some chicken. So hopefully we won't be living off of pizza the first week when movement is limited! We will wait and see if his defrosting skills are up to par... I have faith! If not.. then I believe Panago's number is 604.310.0001...