Sunday, December 28, 2008

What a trip

Yesterday morning we left for Vernon at 11:30 in the morning. Sophia did very well ... sleeping for the majority of the travel time. She did wake up and scream a couple of times... so feeding and burping and changing ensued! But we stayed on course and made pretty good time! I couldn't believe how much different this trip was compared the other times... We were exhausted! I started to get delusional towards the end of the evening.. the room actually started spinning! All I could think of was BED... unfortunately this is not what Baby S had in mind. She kept us up most of the night... and my younger cousins couldn't sleep very well either because they heard her little peeps! (maybe not so little) It was so nice to visit with my family though... I wish we could see them more often! We visited this morning again and then were off at 2:00pm to come home... I AM TIRED! And now so is she... I'm thinking that she will have a good sleep tonight! Please let this be good practice for CABO... and maybe she'll do very well when we actually have to live in a strange place for a week!!! I can't believe we leave in ONE WEEK!!! Woo Hoo!!!

My cousin Holly's oldest daughter Cassidy. 
I used to play with her when she was Sophia's size... how time flies!

Mitchel (7) & Cassidy (9) holding up the outfit they bought Baby S

My Aunty Helen bought Sophia her Big Blue Dinosaur... the coolest thing ever!
Here Cassidy & Mitchy are showing her how to use it!
They thought she was more fun to play with than their new Christmas toys... they took turns feeding her and burping her! They did so good... and they were sooooo cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O my goodness!! look how big Mitchell and Cassidy are!!! CRAZY! their practically teenagers! they looked like they had so much fun playing with Sophia! so cute!!
Auntie H.